
I'm a 22 year old student in the UK studying BA(Hons) Japanese and TESOL.

This year will be my 3rd year and I will be spending it in a Japanese university in the Saitama prefecture called Daitou Bunka Daigaku.

I will be departing the UK on the 6th September 2009 and I will arrive in Japan on the 7th September 2009.

If anyone has been before and could recommend some good places to visit, that would be fabulous!

I hope you will join me on my journey to The Land of the Rising Sun.
There will be many photos in the gallery - a link is provided on the right.

Yuuzuki <3

Friday, 25 December 2009

Christmas, Doll Plans and Comiket

Christmas has nearly past Japan's 9pm 25th December.
It was more of a Sunny Christmas than a White Christmas.

I didn't do much...just eat and watch Jigoku Shoujo.
My parcel from my mum has been delayed in Tokyo customs since 3am on Thursday. -__-

I've had my MSN and Skype on waiting for my mum and boyfriend to come online.
So far, I've talked to my mum...but my boyfriend has yet to contact me,
which is unusual since he's always early to rise on Christmas and it's nearly 12pm in the UK ;__;

I have 2 weeks+ off now!
I have 1 exam and 1 report due on the 12th January, 2 exams on the 13th of January
and a report due on the 18th January.
After that is over I'm off for Spring Break (just over 2 months holiday) until sometime in April, when the new semester starts.

In the job area of life, I've got 1 semi-permenant student! He says he wants lessons until March, but he might want to continue lessons longer than that.

Thanks to the 2000yen I got for our 1 hour lesson the other day, I was able to go and watch the Nodame Cantabile movie!

I really feel inspired to play since I watched it...but all of my instruments are at home in the UK. My playing is going to be soooo rusty!
I feel the need to take up violin too XD
When I can afford lessons and a violin!

As far as dolls go lately, I'm on the list for Minimee Eiri Yuki from Gravitation that's being ordered Feb or March.

I'm somehow hoping to save up for Dollmore Pado (boy) before I go back to the UK.
He's going to be my Tezuka ^__^
I'd really love the smirky Volks F-17 to be my Sebastian...but he's sooooo expensive!!!

I've been inspired by Jigoku Shoujo recently and I can't wait to get Yue cosplaying Enma I've just requested a black and red Yukata commission.
The Yukata look really amazing in the photos and they're only $5!
I miss my dolls so much ;__;

As far as events go, I'm planning to go to Comiket next week.
Planning to buy a few doujin for myself and then some to make profit on Ebay with.
I hope I can survive the endless queuing!!!

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Journal Update

t's been a long time since I wrote a real entry.
Mostly because it's been same old know, go to classes, do homework, eat, sleep, play tennis XD

This week our classes were cancelled due to the university's cultural festival.
I went to check it out for at least one day. There was mostly food, but besides that not much else.

Although I was very surprised to see one of my tennis class team-mates, so I hung out with him for a while.
He was going to be there all day since he was working on one of the food stalls.
It's been really sunny yet quite cold outside, so I didn't stay for as long as I would have liked.

I went around Kawagoe for a bit. I needed some grip tape for my racket since the leather handle was slippy and therefore the friction was giving me blisters D:
I got the Wilson Pro-Overgrip - I love it, my hand doesn't slip on the racket at all!!!
I also got a little smiley face vibration dampener - it was cute and only 200yen.

All the setting up life in Japan was more expensive than I foresaw.
My travelling around and sightseeing etc didn't help.
And therefore my student loan ran out ;__;

So you can imagine my surprise when I was clearing out old paperwork in my drawers and discovered 20,000yen ($220 / £130) in my school diary (that I don't use cos it's pants XD)

I was also lucky enough to score a job with a teaching company.
Although I can't really make any money just yet - I have to wait for my boss to find me students that will fit in my free-time schedule.
I'm a bit nervous about teaching again - the last time I taught feels so long ago.

The trial lessons are 30mins and I get 1000yen per trial lesson.
If the student signs up for lessons permenantly, the lessons are 1 hour and
I get 2000yen per lesson (direct from the student).
If I teach 1 on 2 rather than one on one - I get 4000yen per lesson.
If I teach 1 on 3 - I get 6000yen per lesson.

I don't mind teaching 1-3 if they have 3 students that want to learn together.
I find teaching groups easier, since I taught classes with many more students last year.
It would certainly help me pay my rent if I could so that!!!

Although, I have no idea when I'm gonna get my homework done - since I told him when all of my free time is >_<

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Escaping Days

The days seem to be running away! It's already nearly the end of October!
I'm getting more confident with using Japanese spontaniously now :3
I've made a few new Japanese friends this weekend too!

I had so much kanji homework to do this week, but I finally finished it!

Actually come to think of it, kanji class seems to be the only class where we get regular homework.
Although, we get "influenza homework" incase the uni closes.


This week during our Friday culture class we had the opportunity to try Shodo.
I found it quite difficult to get the strokes exactly right.
I did "geijutsu"as my kanji, I think I might have been watching to much Naruto lately...thanks Deidara!


Today, I went into Kawagoe to buy some shorts for Tennis class and Tennis club from the sports shop.

However I got slightly sidetracked by the festival that was on,
So many food stands! I wish I could've afforded and had the stomach space to try a bit of everything! XD

I got some nice shots from the festival for my gallery.
So I'll upload them when I feel motivated :P


I think this next week is going to go fast as well. `

I have tennis class tomorrow morning, which is always fun.
Advanced kanji in the afternoon (where all that homework came from @_@ )
And volunteering class (which is actually listening to various volunteering companies talk about their business and we have to write a small commentary and the end) after kanji class.

We are probably doing biwa again on Tuesday's culture experience class, although I think it's high time we did something new.
Japanese special expressions class in the afternoon - it's quite challenging, but always easy to understand since the teacher is great at explaining things and she's so funny!

Wednesday brings "Practial Use of Japanese" class. We started watching a film about sumo last week and we're going to finish it this week.
After that I have German - I'm ahead the class in the German textbook.
So I have no need to rush my work in that class.

Friday is a very easy day with basic kanji class
and then cultural experience class (this week will be Origami).
Not sure I'm looking forward to the origami - I've tried it before with instructions from a library book and I was terrible at it!

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Typhoon and Cosplay plans

The weather here has been pants recently. Humid yet raining.

On Tuesday they announced on the news that a typhoon was coming and showed the path they predict it was going to take.

Of course as the typhoon made it's journey these predictions changed.

Even though the typhoon has already passed our area, uni classes are cancelled for today.

The sun is now shining hot, like it's pretending the bad weather never happened lol!


My cosplay arrived today! It came so fast, it took only 3 days!
When I was in the UK it took a whole month, coming from the same company!

It seems like we are going to be having a halloween party at the Ryuugakusei Kaikan, since many are planning their outifts.
So, it gives me a good excuse to cosplay :D

Also, there is going to be two manga/anime conventions in December in Tokyo that I don't want to miss!

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Little Random Update

As you can see my list of places to visit keeps growing XD

I've visited some of them already, but I'm sure I will go back again.

I want to visit Kasukabe as it was the setting for one of my favourite (and apparently very popular here!) anime called Lucky Star.

Also Washinomiya shrine that the girls from Lucky Star visited is on my list.
Apparently many fans of the series visit the shrine XD
It's good business for them I guess!

As I'm typing this I'm watching a program that is showing all of the stops on the Yamanote line and what you can find in each of these areas - so I'm watching out for interesting things to go and see ^__^

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Tokyo Game Show

Today, I went to Tokyo Game Show - supposedly the biggest video game convention :3

It was quite an expensive do with it costing 2500yen to get there, 1,200yen entrance fee, 500yen on food and then I spent nearly 7,000yen on merchendise (a Tokyo Game Show t-shirt and a K-ON hoodie).

It was a good day out though :3

I won't post all my photos -in the cosplay sections, they requested that we get the cosplayers permission to post the shots on personal websites.

They were quite strict with photographing in most areas, but it was difficult to stop the millions of people that must've passed through the venue from taking some photos.


Well I finally made it - the otaku went to otaku land XD

I'll say it's probably not the place to take children - certainly a lot of not very well hidden hentai sections within shops.

I saw a maid cafe and also lots of maids advertising their shops, handing out leaflets in the street.

In all the shops there are signs everywhere indicating that photography is prohibited, so I had to take photos from the outside of buildings.

I didn't have much time to see all of it, but I raced up and down Chuo Doori and still managed to buy some nice little bits and pieces...

1. Kuroshitsuji stickers
2. Tezuka Prince of Tennis phone charm
3. Twilight (with English & Japanese audio options and English & Japanese subtitle options)
4. A Lucky Star Tsukasa figure (from a 200yen vending machine)
5. A K-ON Ui badge (also from a vending machine)

I'll definitely be going back to check for new merchendise throughout the year :3

I'll upload photos as soon as I can ^_^

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Tokyo Trip #1 - Ikebukuro & Pokemon Center


Today I suppose has been the most eventful since we chose our classes.

I've been down with a sinus headache for a few days, so didn't do too much.
Although, some painkiller called Mogifen with like 3 anti-inflammatories in it, seems to be dampening down the pain, although it's making breathing a bit of a chore.

I got adventurous - charged up my PASMO and headed towards Tokyo.

I took the Tobu Tojou line from Kita Sakado to Ikebukuro and hung around there for a while to try and find CLOSET CHILD (a lolita clothing and BJD clothing shop) and MANDARAKE (a manga and cosplay shop).

Luckily as I was heading towards the train station there was some parade/fair on.
So I took some photos as the parade passed through.
I wish I knew what it was for though ^^;

After that, I got on the JR Yamanote line and went in search of the Pokemon Center in Hamamatsuchou.
Luckily it was well signposted from the Hamamatsuchou station and it was only opposite and slightly to the right of the station XD

I loved it there, even though it was packed! I'll definitely be going back, since it's so easy to find!!!

I managed to download some Pokemon event mystery gift for a special Pikachu field in the Heart Gold/Soul Silver walker while I was there.

There were lots of Pokemon Halloween merchandise, and there will be more in October!

See my gallery for new photos from Ikebukuro and the Pokemon Center <3

I feel rather ill now after adventuring, I hope I haven't made myself worse :/

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Placement Test & Choosing Classes


Well, the placement test wasn't the monster I expected.
There was one test for general grammar and one for comprehension.

However I was so hungry, headachy and tired by the time we got to the comprehension paper, I kind of skim read for the bits I needed so I could answer the questions quickly.

After the test I went to my flat to freshen up, dump my stuff and chill for a bit.

Then I went to Higashimatsuyama and made some Purikura and got ice cream with a friend. I love the Purikura, I wanna make lots while I'm here <3



Well, today we got separated into our levels.

There are 4 levels - level 1 is for beginners and level 4 is for students who are capable enough to take other classes with the native Japanese students.

So how is it I ended up in level 4??? Especially when I didn't put all my effort into the test.

I'm going to give the level 4 classes a go, but I fear it may be too high a level for me.
I will most likely end up going into level 3, so I don't have a mental breakdown XD

I have to choose which classes I want to take before tomorrow morning.
So far, I have chosen: Japanese language, Japanese culture, 2 kanji classes (level 3 and level 4) and German.
I need to choose 2 more now :3

korekara ganbarimasu yo!

Saturday, 12 September 2009

University and Placement Test

We went to the university campus for the first time on Friday.

I saw a zoo next to the university on the way in. I really wanna go there ^_^

We had a meeting where everyone introduced themselves and the teacher talked to us about what would be happening next week.

We also got our mobile phones, they are very fancy!

I wish I had opted in for the mobile internet thing now. I think that's why I can send messages via SMS but not messages. Maybe I can sign up to it later.

I got my bank stuff sorted, it didn't take as long as I expected. Now I gotta figure out how to deposit and withdraw money O_o

We have a placement test tomorrow to determine what level class we should be put into.
I'm quite nervous, I wish I had felt like studying more this week.
My brain just doesn't want to move this week!

I suppose even if I do badly and end up in a low level class, I will still learn a lot due to being surrounded by the Japanese language.

ganbarimasu <3

Monday, 7 September 2009


I finally made it after a very long journey!

My suitcase will be catyching up with me soon, as a delivery company is bringing it.
I remembered to take some clothes out, but I didn't take out any pyjamas for last night >_<

I've taken lots of photos of my room. It's well cool, I wanna stay here forever <3

Although I'm in dire need of lots of things such as a kettle, spare bedding, stationary, food/drinks etc

I bought a french stick, miso soup and cup noodles. I just had to microwave the water instead of boiling it.

haha I just discovered a heater underneath the low down table (you well get pins and needles sat down here but the tatami is quite comfortable!).
Don't need it right now though, it is quite humid!

Photos of my accommodation have bee posted in the gallery (see menu on the right).

Friday, 28 August 2009

One Week to Go

Not long now ^__^

I've packed my suitcase and I picked up my Yen and Travellers Cheques yesterday.

I really want to take more of my dolls with, but I know I'm gonna have to leave space so I can bring souvenirs back with me.

My Visa should be arriving in the post today by Special Delivery.

I really should get as much study done as possible this next week since I will be taking a level placement exam - so they can put me in the correct level class.