
I'm a 22 year old student in the UK studying BA(Hons) Japanese and TESOL.

This year will be my 3rd year and I will be spending it in a Japanese university in the Saitama prefecture called Daitou Bunka Daigaku.

I will be departing the UK on the 6th September 2009 and I will arrive in Japan on the 7th September 2009.

If anyone has been before and could recommend some good places to visit, that would be fabulous!

I hope you will join me on my journey to The Land of the Rising Sun.
There will be many photos in the gallery - a link is provided on the right.

Yuuzuki <3

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Placement Test & Choosing Classes


Well, the placement test wasn't the monster I expected.
There was one test for general grammar and one for comprehension.

However I was so hungry, headachy and tired by the time we got to the comprehension paper, I kind of skim read for the bits I needed so I could answer the questions quickly.

After the test I went to my flat to freshen up, dump my stuff and chill for a bit.

Then I went to Higashimatsuyama and made some Purikura and got ice cream with a friend. I love the Purikura, I wanna make lots while I'm here <3



Well, today we got separated into our levels.

There are 4 levels - level 1 is for beginners and level 4 is for students who are capable enough to take other classes with the native Japanese students.

So how is it I ended up in level 4??? Especially when I didn't put all my effort into the test.

I'm going to give the level 4 classes a go, but I fear it may be too high a level for me.
I will most likely end up going into level 3, so I don't have a mental breakdown XD

I have to choose which classes I want to take before tomorrow morning.
So far, I have chosen: Japanese language, Japanese culture, 2 kanji classes (level 3 and level 4) and German.
I need to choose 2 more now :3

korekara ganbarimasu yo!

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